Saturday 23 March 2013


Hello All,

Monday blues is a weekly reality for people in the workforce as well as students who are coping with high expectations to perform in society.

The weekends seem too brief for one to completely unwind.

Getting up from bed takes so much effort.

It's just so tempting to keep the alarm clock on snooze mode and laze for a few more minutes... 

The challenges of the week can be daunting and overwhelming but as Christians, we have the privilege of bringing our worries and cares to God in prayer and trust that he is in control of every detail of our lives.

Here are some words of encouragement to kick-start the week: 
By Joanne Liaw Sook Ling (7 th Nov 2011)

There is a place where we can go
For refuge from the winter cold
When blizzards cast their mighty blow
Of stormy wind and pelting snow

There is a shelter where we can hide
From raging waves and rising tides
For they are stilled at Jesus’ chide
So in his arms I will abide

This world is filled with numerous trials
That stems from humanity so vile
But life on earth lasts only but a while
For heaven is God’s Promise to his child.

Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

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