Monday, 11 September 2017

The Cleansing Rain

Hello All,

The fight against sin often feels like a losing battle.

Temptations surround us in abundance but it is the desires of our flesh and lack of love for God that cause us to give into them.

After giving into temptation, the wave of guilt washes over us and we punish ourselves with self-condemnation. We hide from God in shame instead of coming to Him in brokenness and repentance.

Some of us are living in denial and continue indulging in sinful desires. ‘Since Jesus has died for my sins, I can just tell Him, “I’m sorry” after giving into sin. He’s merciful and He’ll forgive me.’  

Many of us swing to either extreme of self-condemnation and denial. But the Gospel of grace shows us a different way.

By Joanne Liaw Sook Ling

Bright lightning struck the dark grey sky
As great guilt struck my sinful soul
The sky groaned with a thunderous cry
This soul, no counsel could console

In shame, I hid my face from You
I'm full of filth, from head to toe
What I want to do, I don't do
My sin is a ferocious foe

But Your blood is the cleansing rain
That pelted hard against my skin
It has removed my filth and stain
My Saviour has taken my sin

The load of guilt rolled off my back
You've saved me at such a high cost
In Your arms, no mercy I lack
I'm found in You, no longer lost

Points for Reflection:
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
(1 John 1:8-9 ESV)
·       Have you ever paused to consider the high price that Christ paid to redeem you from the clutches of sin? He went through such excruciating pain to save you from the very poison that was killing you. Are you consuming the very poison that He has saved you from?
·       If we are honest with ourselves, we find that it is a great lack of love for God that causes us to indulge in sin.
·       Abiding in God involves the renewing of our minds through the daily reading of His Word and the softening of our hardened hearts that enable us to grow in our love for Him and obey Him.
·       We will sin now and again but that does not give us the freedom and license to sin. Sin promises us freedom but it is a cruel master that enslaves us. Christ, our loving Master, died to free us from the fetters of sin.
·       When we sin, let us not hide from God but run to Him in humility, brokenness, and repentance. Let us allow His Word to convict us of our sins and His Spirit to enable us to grow in our love for God and obey Him from the heart.

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