Monday, 25 September 2017

I Cling to the Almighty

Hello All,

We come to a point in our lives when words fail us.

We are lost for words and nothing can describe the pain we are going through.

Those are times when no words are needed, but only tears poured out in prayer to the Almighty.

I Cling to the Almighty
By Joanne Liaw Sook Ling

When words fail me
When sleep escapes me
When troubles torment me
I cling to the Almighty

Though words fail me
Though friends forsake me
Though memories maim me
I cling to the Almighty

When words fail me
When grief besets me
When trials torment me
I cling to the Almighty

Points for Reflection:
For You have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings, I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me."
(Psalms 63:7-8 ESV)
·       When there is nothing or no one in this world we can cling to for help, solace, and comfort, God, the Almighty is always present with us.
·       Are you going through a painful period in your life? Does your situation seem hopeless and beyond your control? Do you feel like giving up on God? If so, please don’t give up. Don’t give up on the only One who can comfort and console you in a way that no mortal can.
·       No matter how weak or feeble your grip may be, cling to the Almighty and He will sustain you through your brokenness.
·       When words fail me, when grief besets me, and when trials torment me, I cling to the Almighty.

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