Hello All,
Have you ever committed acts that you are too ashamed to tell anyone?
Are there filthy thoughts and skeletons in your closet that you would rather keep hidden from the world?
Are you letting out a silent cry of anguish, despair, and pain? A silent cry that only you can hear.
The Cry of Sorrow
By Joanne Liaw Sook Ling (12 March 2017)
A cry of anguish escapes me
I fall helplessly to my knees
Looking within leads to despair
The weight of my sins; I can't bear
A cry of despair escapes me
I kneel desperately on my knees
Where can I look to ease my pain?
The filth of my sins; I am stained!
A cry of great pain escapes me
I stay fervently on my knees
The pain within can't be perceived
The sting of my sins, who can relieve?
A cry of sorrow I now hear
A cry that drives away my fears
A cry of great love and mercy
A cry of One who died for me
'My God! Why have you forsaken me?'
Jesus cried out in Calvary
He's nailed my sins upon the Tree
I am forgiven and set free
Points for Reflection:
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
(Matthew 27:46 ESV)
· The only cry of sorrow that can vanquish all our silent cries is the anguished cry of Jesus Christ who hung on the cross for our sins.
· Christ, the sinless One, was forsaken by the Father so that we, unworthy sinners, can be accepted by the Father. He died the death that we deserved.
· Is the burden of guilt getting too heavy to bear? Are there secret sins that you are having trouble keeping silent about?
· Lay your burdens at the cross where God’s forgiveness is found. God’s grace cannot be earned but can only be accepted with open hands. Are your hands opened to the loving forgiveness that God offers?
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