Monday, 17 October 2016

I Thank God for Cookies

Hello All,
When was the last time you thanked God for the food you ate?
It is a good practice to remind ourselves to thank God for His daily providence that we so often take for granted.
Apart from enjoyment, we basically eat food to nourish and strengthen our physical bodies. Food is vital for survival.
However, we are often so focused on nourishing our physical bodies but we neglect and even starve our souls from the nourishment they need.
The Bible is food for the soul. God’s Word is readily available in printed as well as digital form. Yet it is one of the most neglected items on our priority list.

I Thank God for Cookies
By Joanne Liaw Sook Ling (2 August 2016)

I thank God for cookies and sugar in my tea
For candies and cakes laced with syrup and honey
I thank God for His gracious providence to me
For physical food, He provides me with daily

But more than mere food, help me to feed on Your Word
Help me to do and delight in what I have heard
May Your Word taste sweeter than cookies each day
May It renew my mind and guard each word I say

I thank God for cookies and sugar in my tea
But never more than His Word that nourishes me
I thank God for His gracious providence to me
For spiritual food, He provides me with daily

Points for Reflection:
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
(Psalm 119:103 ESV)
·         When was the last time you read the Bible?
·         Is reading the Bible just part of a daily chore or a task you deem unnecessary?
·         It is through the daily reading of God’s Word that we are able to learn more about God and grow in our love for Him.
·         God speaks to us through His Word. Isn’t it a privilege to hear God speak to us? It is definitely grander to hear the Word of God rather than the words of earthly kings.
·         God’s Word is vital for the survival of our souls. Feed on it. Cherish it. Love it.

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