Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Our Lives for Christ

Hello All,

Our Lives for Christ
By Joanne Liaw Sook Ling (22nd Nov 2013)
As people of the risen King
Let us lift our voices to sing
Of God’s love shown through salvation
For sinners from every nation

To a world marred by sin’s disgrace
Let us bring this gospel of grace
May we be vessels of God’s love
Shown in Christ who came from above

As brothers and sisters in Christ
Let’s gaze at Him who sacrificed
His life for unworthy sinners
May we, our lives to Him, offer

Points for Reflection:
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.           
(Romans 8:1-2)
·         For those us who have placed our faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ, we no longer need to bear the weight of sin, condemnation and guilt on our shoulders for Christ has nailed them to the tree.
·         We are no longer enslaved to the dominion of sin over us but we have freedom in Christ who is the Lord of our lives.
·         That does not mean that we are perfect while we are on this earth but the Holy Spirit is changing us each day to become more like Christ. We are God’s ‘work-in-progress’ on earth but we will be perfected after death when God takes us back home to our heavenly dwelling.
·         I would like to share with you an analogy which aptly describes this phenomenon. A person who believes in Jesus Christ is like a house which has been purchased at an extremely high cost (this represents Jesus’ priceless death that redeemed us from God’s wrath and judgment for our sin). As you step into this house, all you see is darkness for no light has ever penetrated into this house. Not until the new owner (which represents God) of the house throws open the windows for the very first time. To your amazement, you see cobwebs, slimy slugs and disgusting cockroaches all over the living room! So the thorough and time-consuming process of spring cleaning begins. The duration it takes to clean the living room varies from house to house; some may takes weeks, months or even years. After much intensive and persistent scrubbing, mopping and polishing, you look in triumph at your living room and say, ‘Oh how wonderfully clean my house is now! I think the cleaning process is finally completed!’ And then the owner of the house lights a candle and leads you down to the dining hall. Well, that is another part of the house infested with cobwebs, slugs and cockroaches. So the owner says to you, ‘No, the cleaning process is not completed yet. Allow me to help you clean this area as well.’ Then you ask the owner, ‘When will this tiresome cleaning and painful scrubbing ever end?’ To which he answers, ‘There will come a day when you will be perfectly immaculate… But not now. Let me continue dealing with areas that require polishing’
·         Notice that the person who buys the house does not say, ‘I will only buy the house once every corner and inch of it is spick-and-span.’ No, he buys the house in spite of all its filthiness. The spring cleaning begins only after he has purchased this house. Despite our sinfulness, God extends his grace and salvation to us. And when we accept Jesus as our Saviour, God gives us the Holy Spirit who constantly convicts us of sinful areas of our lives which God wants us to change.
·         Is the weight of sin, condemnation and guilt resting heavily upon your shoulders? Don’t let them crush you but surrender them to Christ. Are there sinful areas of your life which the Holy Spirit is convicting you about? Are you willing to allow God to help you clean up the cobwebs, slugs and cockroaches of your life?
·         Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour? Or are you still one of those houses which have not been purchased yet? Remember that there will come a day when those houses would no longer stand but they will be destroyed and crushed to the ground.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
(Ephesians 2:10)
·         Since we have become part of God people, our lives are to abound in good works for God’s glory.
·         We are no longer the master of our lives but Jesus is to take precedence in our hearts.
·         Are you allowing God’s Word to shape your lifestyle or are you the master of your life? Does your life revolve around God or do you expect God to orbit around your little world?
·         We are to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are still in darkness and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to persevere in the faith.
·         Have you been actively looking for ways to evangelise to your non-Christian family or friends? Have you been encouraging your fellow Christians to continue trusting in Christ even when times are hard?
·         The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are so few. There is so much work to be done for God.

·         Are you lending a hand and doing your part in advancing God’s Kingdom? It does not matter how big or small a part that is; but what matters to God is a sincere heart that is willing to serve Him. 

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